Mmmm....skang ni time cuti sekolah. Kat office ramai yang amik cuti untuk abiskan cuti. Result: Jalan sangat kosong and smooth. Best best. Kuar rumah lambat but still manage to reach office awal.
Tapi problem nyer. Nape la mood keje skang ni macam sangatlah kurang. Maybe because it has been two years plus stuck at the same unit. Ntahlah. Camner nak cari motivation balik ni. Huhu.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Friday, December 23, 2011
The Ultimate Dream
I believe everybody wants to go to Heaven. Tapi sometimes kita terlalu alpa dengan all the entertainment sampai kekadang terabai our ultimate dream which is to be insan yang deberkati Allah, yang beriman denganNya dan dikurniakan nikmat syurga. Tadi ustazah ada pin point four steps on how to be closer to Allah, be in peace, hidup lebih tenang, menjadi lebih baik dari segi menjadi hamba Allah yang sejati seterusnya bertemu denganNya di syurga nanti, InsyaAllah.
Hidayah. Tanpa hidayah Allah, susah untuk kita berubah. Itu yang kadang2 terasa hati nak berubah. Tapi, sekejap jer. Atau ada jer yang menghalang kita untuk jadi better Muslim or Muslimah. Puncanya, belum mendapat hidayah. How to get the hidayah. Of course we have to ask Allah for the Nur. Do'a yang selalu kita baca. Rabbana latuzigh qulubana ba'daiz hadaitana wahablana minladun karahmah, innaka antal wahhab. Doa yang bukan hanya pada lisan i.e. lidah, tapi kenalah berdoa dengan hati beserta linangan air mata (meaning, when we ask, we really mean it. not just for the sake of recite it). Dengan hidayah, InsyaAllah, kita dilindungiNya seperti kita telah dilindungi olehNya selama ini daripada melakukan perkara yang dimurkaiNya. Pernah tak kita macam nak buat something bad, then in the end tak jadi. That's the hidayah yang Allah bagi utk elak kita buat benda yang tak baik. So, tanamkan azam untuk menjadi insan yang lebih tenang, tidak cepat melenting, sentiasa berperasangka baik dengan orang lain, bertutur kata dengan leebih baik, dengan kata lain menjadi hamba Allah yang disukaiNya. Mungkin kita tidak sehebat Siti Khadijah yang mendapat kiriman salam daripada Allah dan Ketua Malaikat melalui Rasulullah, tetapi tanamkan azam untuk kita diacknowledge oleh Allah dengan kesucian hati kita beriman kepada Allah. InsyaAllah, hidayah akan akan sampai kepada kita.
Mencari Ilmu. To improve ourselves without knowledge, macam tak berapa nak ngam. So, we have to seek for ilmu agama untuk berubah. Rasulullah s.a.w pernah berkata bahawa terdapat tiga golongan: 1. Orang yang memasuki kawasan di mana ada orang sedang memberi ceramah agama, dan dilihat ada tempat kosong berdekatan dengan penceramah, with the sincere intention to deepen the knowledge (bukan nak menunjuk ke, or something like that), Allah akan menempatkan kedudukan nya dekat denganNya. 2. Memasuki dan walaupun ada space kat depan, tapi macam malu2 nak ke depan, Allah pun macam malu-malu jugak nak bagi ganjaran. 3. Memasuki tetapi instead of duduk, teruskan perjalan to other place (kalau ada something urgent tu, different story lah kan, yang ni meaning kalau takde apa2 hal, tapi tak nak stay), then Allah juga berpaling daripadanya seperti mana dia berpaling dari mendekatkan diri pada Allah. Rasanya mcm kalau terdengar radio yg tengah bagi ceramah pastu tukar to other channel pun leh termasuk dalam kategori ni gak jer. Hmmm..muhasabah muhasabah.. Yang penting ketika medengar, mestilah dengan niat yang sincere plus azam untuk menjadi lebih baik.
Ikhlas. When we do things sincerely kerana Allah, kalau pujian dan pangkat daripada manusia kita tak dapat, hati kita takkan rasa resah because we know and believe, Allah sentiasa bersama kita, and InsyaAllah, Dia telah menyediakan ganjaran kepada kita. Bila kita ikhlas kerana Allah, kita akan jarang merungut, kita akan lebih tenang because we have no expectation towards gettings any returns from others. Kita akan lebih bahagia. Kita sentiasa mencari peluang menolong orang dan membuat pekerjaan dengan lebih baik. Menjadi lebih sabar, tidak mudah marah dan melenting. Hence, be a better Muslim.
Bersungguh-sungguh. Semua perkara yang dilakukan dikerjakan dengan azam untuk come out with the best result. Of course la job yang baik-baik kan. Yang diredhai Allah. Contoh, macam nak tambah ilmu dalam hadis. Tapi just tau ada hadis 40 jer. Kalau tanya out of 40 tu, berapa yang ingat, maybe few jer or satu pun tak lekat. Then, rasanya tu tak bersungguh-sungguh enough kot. Saidatina Khadijah full heartedly insisted in helping her husband Rasulullah, beliau membelanjakan all her harta tanpa ada sedikit pun rasa susah. Coz for her, if she wanted to help, then gave it all out. At the time, money was needed, then with the money she got, she gave it all. With the strong determination and the spirit to become better Muslim, thinking of Allah and after life, maybe kita akan berjaya do thing bukan separuh jalan but with all the streght we got. InsyaAllah.
p/s: Peringatan untuk diri sendiri dan ingin berkongsi dengan semua yang disayangi agar kita semua dapat berkumpul di dalam syurga yang Allah sediakan. Ameen...
Hidayah. Tanpa hidayah Allah, susah untuk kita berubah. Itu yang kadang2 terasa hati nak berubah. Tapi, sekejap jer. Atau ada jer yang menghalang kita untuk jadi better Muslim or Muslimah. Puncanya, belum mendapat hidayah. How to get the hidayah. Of course we have to ask Allah for the Nur. Do'a yang selalu kita baca. Rabbana latuzigh qulubana ba'daiz hadaitana wahablana minladun karahmah, innaka antal wahhab. Doa yang bukan hanya pada lisan i.e. lidah, tapi kenalah berdoa dengan hati beserta linangan air mata (meaning, when we ask, we really mean it. not just for the sake of recite it). Dengan hidayah, InsyaAllah, kita dilindungiNya seperti kita telah dilindungi olehNya selama ini daripada melakukan perkara yang dimurkaiNya. Pernah tak kita macam nak buat something bad, then in the end tak jadi. That's the hidayah yang Allah bagi utk elak kita buat benda yang tak baik. So, tanamkan azam untuk menjadi insan yang lebih tenang, tidak cepat melenting, sentiasa berperasangka baik dengan orang lain, bertutur kata dengan leebih baik, dengan kata lain menjadi hamba Allah yang disukaiNya. Mungkin kita tidak sehebat Siti Khadijah yang mendapat kiriman salam daripada Allah dan Ketua Malaikat melalui Rasulullah, tetapi tanamkan azam untuk kita diacknowledge oleh Allah dengan kesucian hati kita beriman kepada Allah. InsyaAllah, hidayah akan akan sampai kepada kita.
Mencari Ilmu. To improve ourselves without knowledge, macam tak berapa nak ngam. So, we have to seek for ilmu agama untuk berubah. Rasulullah s.a.w pernah berkata bahawa terdapat tiga golongan: 1. Orang yang memasuki kawasan di mana ada orang sedang memberi ceramah agama, dan dilihat ada tempat kosong berdekatan dengan penceramah, with the sincere intention to deepen the knowledge (bukan nak menunjuk ke, or something like that), Allah akan menempatkan kedudukan nya dekat denganNya. 2. Memasuki dan walaupun ada space kat depan, tapi macam malu2 nak ke depan, Allah pun macam malu-malu jugak nak bagi ganjaran. 3. Memasuki tetapi instead of duduk, teruskan perjalan to other place (kalau ada something urgent tu, different story lah kan, yang ni meaning kalau takde apa2 hal, tapi tak nak stay), then Allah juga berpaling daripadanya seperti mana dia berpaling dari mendekatkan diri pada Allah. Rasanya mcm kalau terdengar radio yg tengah bagi ceramah pastu tukar to other channel pun leh termasuk dalam kategori ni gak jer. Hmmm..muhasabah muhasabah.. Yang penting ketika medengar, mestilah dengan niat yang sincere plus azam untuk menjadi lebih baik.
Ikhlas. When we do things sincerely kerana Allah, kalau pujian dan pangkat daripada manusia kita tak dapat, hati kita takkan rasa resah because we know and believe, Allah sentiasa bersama kita, and InsyaAllah, Dia telah menyediakan ganjaran kepada kita. Bila kita ikhlas kerana Allah, kita akan jarang merungut, kita akan lebih tenang because we have no expectation towards gettings any returns from others. Kita akan lebih bahagia. Kita sentiasa mencari peluang menolong orang dan membuat pekerjaan dengan lebih baik. Menjadi lebih sabar, tidak mudah marah dan melenting. Hence, be a better Muslim.
Bersungguh-sungguh. Semua perkara yang dilakukan dikerjakan dengan azam untuk come out with the best result. Of course la job yang baik-baik kan. Yang diredhai Allah. Contoh, macam nak tambah ilmu dalam hadis. Tapi just tau ada hadis 40 jer. Kalau tanya out of 40 tu, berapa yang ingat, maybe few jer or satu pun tak lekat. Then, rasanya tu tak bersungguh-sungguh enough kot. Saidatina Khadijah full heartedly insisted in helping her husband Rasulullah, beliau membelanjakan all her harta tanpa ada sedikit pun rasa susah. Coz for her, if she wanted to help, then gave it all out. At the time, money was needed, then with the money she got, she gave it all. With the strong determination and the spirit to become better Muslim, thinking of Allah and after life, maybe kita akan berjaya do thing bukan separuh jalan but with all the streght we got. InsyaAllah.
p/s: Peringatan untuk diri sendiri dan ingin berkongsi dengan semua yang disayangi agar kita semua dapat berkumpul di dalam syurga yang Allah sediakan. Ameen...
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Somehow, tetiba rasa teringin sangat nak gi jenjalan. Teringat masa study dulu yg sanggup keje n abiskan duit keje gi jenjalan. Sangat the enjoy! Hehe...Want to hold some snow in my own hand again, but don't know when or where bole pegi lagi..Takpe2, ada rezeki, maybe after performing my Hajj first, then ada rezeki gi melawat tempat org lagi, kan. Ameen....
p/s: Most Wanted Places To Visit: Swiss, New Zealand, Korea, Japan, UK, France...
p/s: Most Wanted Places To Visit: Swiss, New Zealand, Korea, Japan, UK, France...
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Entry Setelah Lama Tak Update Kat Blog Ni..hehe
Setelah sebulan lebih tak masuk dapur i.e. masak, dalam kepala dah ada list2 nak masak apa once dah start balik cooking. Nasik lemak, spagheti, choc chip cookies, maggie mewah (ni yg paling terasa nak makan..huhu), and of course all the sambal2(sambal ayam, sambal telur, bihun goreng - pendek kata the one yg involve cili blend).
Hahaha..beriya jer..sekali just goreng telur jer dgn masak nasik...huhu..Takpe2, kita tgk dulu apa jadi nanti...
Oh ya, weekend ni InsyaAllah balik kampung dgn Along sumer(Incik Hubby tak dapat ikut sebab ada kelas weekend). Tgk ayah convo. Sweet jer. Selalu ayah yang tgk anak2 dia convo, ni mcm cute jer kitorg lak tgk ayah naik atas stage pakai robe. Hehe. To My Beloved Ayah, we are all so proud of you. You walked on the stage receiving your degree at the age of 40 and now, at the age of 55, once again, you will walk on the stage, receiving your masters while your children are still at their degree level.Hehe..Long, bila nak sambung ni..Ummi tgh buat PHD, ayah dah abis Masters, Abang tgh sambung Masters. Ni yg terasa nak sambung balik Japanese class ni. Buat kat UiTM pun menarik gak ni :) Hmmm, maybe next year? We'll see...
Okies, till the next entry yang tak tau bila...hihi
Hahaha..beriya jer..sekali just goreng telur jer dgn masak nasik...huhu..Takpe2, kita tgk dulu apa jadi nanti...
Oh ya, weekend ni InsyaAllah balik kampung dgn Along sumer(Incik Hubby tak dapat ikut sebab ada kelas weekend). Tgk ayah convo. Sweet jer. Selalu ayah yang tgk anak2 dia convo, ni mcm cute jer kitorg lak tgk ayah naik atas stage pakai robe. Hehe. To My Beloved Ayah, we are all so proud of you. You walked on the stage receiving your degree at the age of 40 and now, at the age of 55, once again, you will walk on the stage, receiving your masters while your children are still at their degree level.Hehe..Long, bila nak sambung ni..Ummi tgh buat PHD, ayah dah abis Masters, Abang tgh sambung Masters. Ni yg terasa nak sambung balik Japanese class ni. Buat kat UiTM pun menarik gak ni :) Hmmm, maybe next year? We'll see...
Okies, till the next entry yang tak tau bila...hihi
Friday, August 5, 2011
10 Yrs!
Happy Friendship Day! Terus declare ari ni friendship day after reading my friend nyer blog..Hahaha
Anyhow, to all of you, you know who you are. Thank you so much for being such wonderful friends. It's been 10 yrs and counting! Love you all...Mmmuah!
Anyhow, to all of you, you know who you are. Thank you so much for being such wonderful friends. It's been 10 yrs and counting! Love you all...Mmmuah!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Cool Website!
I love to browse others' blog. Across countries. Learn they culture, their food, lifestyle.
So today, while browsing, I found this amazing website that can boost your motivation in maintaining a healthy life style and for some, might also assist in getting weight loss.
Checkout this cool website & Good Luck! :)
So today, while browsing, I found this amazing website that can boost your motivation in maintaining a healthy life style and for some, might also assist in getting weight loss.
Checkout this cool website & Good Luck! :)
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Wow, it's been quite a while since I last updated this blog. Hmm, let's see, I'm a wife now and I live near my workplace. And today, Alhamdulillah, got extra rezeki...
Thank you Allah for all You have provide, a loving husband, a comfy home and a decent income. Alhamdulillah....
Thank you Allah for all You have provide, a loving husband, a comfy home and a decent income. Alhamdulillah....
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Weekend Yang Busy
Last weekend, early Saturday morning, I made a move to Mines. Just before I drove back to Putrajaya, I called my Adik Emi saying that he can make a move by now. So, by the time I reached ERL, I just need to wait for about 15 min till he arrived. Oh ya, terlupa pulak. Adik Emi will accompanied me for the night since nobody's home.
Around 3.15pm, he finally arrived. We went straight to Alamanda for our lunch. It seems like ages since we had our meal together. We chose Secret Recipe. Emi with his lasagna and me with noodle in tom yum soup. My all time fav at SR. We have brownies with ice-cream and marshmallow strawberry cheesecake for dessert. Yummy!
Next stop, bowling centre. Yeay! We could only play one game each as there's a tournament going on there. And just like always, I won.......not! Haha. Emi lah champ. 136 points. Me? One of my bad scores. Not even reach 100!..huhu.
Then, we hit home for karaoke session. Hehe. Yo yo o jer.. Dah lah berdua jer nyanyi nya..Nasib baik tak hujan..hoho... Malam nya session lak, Emi layan Maharaja Lawak in my room and me layan Mackerel Run for five episodes straight. Then, zzzzz.
Sunday, got up early, sent Emi to ERL, and off to Shah Alam. Lingering at Jusco Bukit Tinggi, have a quick look of furniture in Section 7, and lunch at Pizza Hut nearby. Rushed to USJ, changed dress code, hit thr road to De Palma Hotel for an event. Ceramah actually by Dato' Dr. Haron Din. A great event! :)
Then, straight home, and the next day, start working backkk..huhu..can't wait for this coming weekend plus Monday off.. Yeayyy!
Around 3.15pm, he finally arrived. We went straight to Alamanda for our lunch. It seems like ages since we had our meal together. We chose Secret Recipe. Emi with his lasagna and me with noodle in tom yum soup. My all time fav at SR. We have brownies with ice-cream and marshmallow strawberry cheesecake for dessert. Yummy!
Next stop, bowling centre. Yeay! We could only play one game each as there's a tournament going on there. And just like always, I won.......not! Haha. Emi lah champ. 136 points. Me? One of my bad scores. Not even reach 100!..huhu.
Then, we hit home for karaoke session. Hehe. Yo yo o jer.. Dah lah berdua jer nyanyi nya..Nasib baik tak hujan..hoho... Malam nya session lak, Emi layan Maharaja Lawak in my room and me layan Mackerel Run for five episodes straight. Then, zzzzz.
Sunday, got up early, sent Emi to ERL, and off to Shah Alam. Lingering at Jusco Bukit Tinggi, have a quick look of furniture in Section 7, and lunch at Pizza Hut nearby. Rushed to USJ, changed dress code, hit thr road to De Palma Hotel for an event. Ceramah actually by Dato' Dr. Haron Din. A great event! :)
Then, straight home, and the next day, start working backkk..huhu..can't wait for this coming weekend plus Monday off.. Yeayyy!
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Tupai tupai
Yesterday (17.04.11), Semak fetched me at Medan Selera Greenwood and we're heading to Jalan TAR. We're both looking for something. Kain & Tudung. From one shop to another, we're keep searching and searching. In the end, we both bought the-not-in-the-list tudung. Haha. Well, at least they're at really good price, right sem? ;p
Afterwards, we went to Tupai2 near KL Central. I never went to one before. Since I love soup, I really enjoy the food. We have buffet steamboat and later I ended the buffet with vanila-choc ice cream. Yummy!There goes my diet. Haha.
Anyway,have a great time yesterday. Credit goes to Sem, and my relatives in Gombak :D
Afterwards, we went to Tupai2 near KL Central. I never went to one before. Since I love soup, I really enjoy the food. We have buffet steamboat and later I ended the buffet with vanila-choc ice cream. Yummy!There goes my diet. Haha.
Anyway,have a great time yesterday. Credit goes to Sem, and my relatives in Gombak :D
Friday, April 8, 2011
Monday, April 4, 2011
Tetiba teringat Subway. Fisrt time makan Subway dgn Mid last two Fridays. Kitorg order Italian BMT. Cuak jugak cos tak berapa nak reti nak order. Haha. Belasah jer. Both of us picked Parmesan & Oregano flavour for bread. So yummy okay :D. I chose hot milo and combined with creamy mushroom soup. Soooo sinful.. Haha.. Diet? Hmmmm...
Can't wait for our next visit. Mid, bulan June ek kita nyer next visit. Hehe ;p
p/s: For BMT, kena beli Monday lah ek kalau nak murah..Tapi macam mana ye...Huhu
Can't wait for our next visit. Mid, bulan June ek kita nyer next visit. Hehe ;p
p/s: For BMT, kena beli Monday lah ek kalau nak murah..Tapi macam mana ye...Huhu
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Subhanallah....Kisah benar pelajar UIA bermimpi bertemu Rasulllah
Sesuatu yang berharga utk dikongsi bersama... Luangkan masa kalian untuk membaca.. ambil peringatan dari Baginda Nabi sempena keputeraannya tahun ini.. tunjukkan kecintaan pada Rasulullah s.a.w... Dengan Nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Mengasihani... Ya Allah..lancar jari ini menaipkan sebuah pengalaman yg amat berharga dr seorang insan yg dipilih Allah utk berjumpa Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. melalui mimpi hari Khamis, 16 Rejab 1427H bersamaan 10 0gos 2006. Nama yg dipilih oleh ayah beliau adalah Syamimi yg bermaksud 'kesayanganku', jua gelaran Nabi pada puteri kesayangan Baginda, Fatimah. Ketika khilaf memilih nama itu, ayah beliau mengharapkan mudah2an suatu hari nanti anaknya akan menjadi salah seorang mutiara kesayangan Rasulullah s.a.w. Alhamdulillah, doanya makbul selepas 23 tahun kelahiran anak sulungnya daripada 8 adik-beradik. Al-Quran 30 juzuk terpelihara kemas dalam hatinya. Beliau menghabiskan masa 3 tahun utk menghafal 30 juzuk Kalamullah ketika berada di negeri kelahirannya. Beliau hafal sendiri utk memenuhi harapan ibu ayah yang mengharapkan ada dalam kalangan anak mereka menjadi seorang hafiz atau hafizah. Sebagai anak sulung, beliau mengambil tanggungjawab ini utk menjadi contoh kpd adik2 yg lain. Setiap hari beliau hafal 2 mukasurat Al-Quran dan tasmi' dgn ustaz di sebelah rumahnya. Sekarang beliau pelajar tahun 4 jurusan Undang-Undang Syariah di universiti ini. Akak ni memang diuji dengan sakit yg tak tahu apa punca sejak lebih setahun yg lalu. Sakitnya rasa seperti ditikam-tikam dengan pisau di bahagian belakang tubuhnya, tambahan pula kaki yang sakit di bahagian lutut sejak 8 tahun lalu tidak pernah sembuh. Pernah satu ketika, selepas makan, beliau muntah bersama segumpal rambut dari kerongkongnya. Penderitaannya hanya Allah dan dia sendiri yang tahu. Sudah lama beliau tidak terdaya ke kelas kerana sakit itu membuatkan dia tidak dapat berdiri atau berjalan. Hilang selera makannya hingga badannya susut hampir 13 kg. Beliau hanya menggagahkan diri untuk pergi berwudhu' 2 hingga 3 kali sehari. Wudhu' itu dijaga sebaik mungkin untuk ibadah sepanjang hari. Hari2 yang dilaluinya dipenuhi dgn membaca Al-Quran dan qiamullail sebagai pendinding daripada gangguan yg terus2an menyakiti diri. Diceritakan makhluk2 halus itu akan mengganggunya terutama pada waktu sebelum Subuh, Zuhur dan Maghrib. Beliau telah banyak berubat di merata tempat, berjumpa doktor2 pakar, malah ulama' yg faqih dalam ilmu perubatan islam serta akhir sekali bertemu sorang lecturer di sini. Tapi beliau hanya mampu bertahan. Pesan ustaznya, setiap kali beliau sakit, banyakkan baca Surah Al-Baqarah. Pagi Khamis itu, beliau berniat utk hadir kuliyah sebab sudah terlalu lama tidak mampu ke kelas. Beliau bangun kira2 jam 4.30 pagi utk solat. Berbekalkan sedikit kekuatan yg digagahkan, beliau ke bilik air utk berwudhu' dgn memapah dinding dan segala apa yg mampu membantu beliau untuk berdiri. Habis berwudhu', beliau jatuh tersungkur, rasa seperti ada yg menolak keras dari belakang. Tika itu beliau sudah tidak mampu berdiri, justeru beliau merangkak ke bilik. Sampai saja di bilik, beliau ketuk pintu dan rebah di depan bilik tersebut. Disebabkan sakit yg mungkin dah tak tertanggung, dengan spontan beliau niatkan, "Ya Allah, kiranya mati itu baik untukku, aku redha, tapi kiranya Engkau ingin aku terus hidup, aku ingin dengar kata-kata semangat drpd Rasulullah s.a.w. sendiri.." Kemudian beliau pengsan. Sahabat2 sebilik mengangkat beliau ke dalam biliknya dan di baringkan di sana . Waktu itu, sahabat2nya telah pun 'forward message' pd rakan2 yg lain agar dibacakan surah Yasin kerana beliau nampak sudah nazak. Malah mereka telah sedia dgn nombor2 ahli keluarganya utk dihubungi kiranya ada apa2 berlaku dengan izin Allah. Kira2 jam 11 pagi itulah, ketika tertidur dgn tenang dalam waktu qoilullah, beliau bermimpi. Beliau sedang terbaring dalam keadaan memakai telekung dgn tangannya diqiam seperti dalam solat di suatu tempat asing yang sangat cantik. Beliau terbaring di sebelah mimbar dan kelihatan banyak tiang di sekitarnya. Tiba-tiba datang seorang Hamba Allah dgn wajah yang bercahaya dari arah depan dan berdiri hampir sekali, kira2 2 meter dari beliau. Wajahnya SubhanaLlah..indah sekali, tak dapat nak digambarkan. Beliau tertanya2, siapakah orang ini? cantik sekali kejadiannya dan hati beliau rasa sangat tenang dgn hanya melihat wajahnya. Dirasakan seluruh kesengsaraan yg ditanggung selama ini lenyap begitu sahaja. Kemudian, Hamba Allah itu mengatakan, "Assalamu'alaikum, ana Rasulullah.." Subhanallah..baginda Nabi rupanya! Nabi memakai jubah putih dan kain serban berwarna hijau di atas bahu baginda. Beliau nampak dgn jelas mata Baginda Nabi, janggut Baginda, rambut Baginda, kain serban di atas bahu Baginda dan tubuh Baginda. Kemudian Nabi katakan "Enti fil masjidi" (kamu sekarang berada di masjidku, Masjid Nabawi).. Allahuakbar! Kemudian Baginda Nabi s.a.w. berkata: QalAllahuta' ala; "InnaAllahama' assobirin" (sesungguhnya Allah bersama orang2 yg sabar). Ketika mendengar suara Nabi mengalunkan Kalamullah, terasa bergema suara merdu Nabi di seluruh alam. Sememangnya Baginda sebaik-baik kejadian dan diciptakan dgn penuh kesempurnaan. Nabi katakan (dalam lughahl arab, tp diterjemahkan di sini) ; "Ya Syamimi, dengan berkat kesabaran enti, dgn penyakit yg enti tanggung selama ini, dan dgn berkat Al-Quran yg enti pelihara di dlm hati, maka Allah bukakan hijab utk enti nampak ana.." Ketika Nabi menyebut Ya Syamimi, terlintas di hatinya "Ya Allah..Baginda kenal ummatnya!". Ya Rasulullah... Ketika itu, beliau dapat merasakan baiknya Allah, memberikan nikmat yg begitu besar buat dirinya. Kemudian Nabi katakan lagi; "Sampaikan salamku buat sahabat2 seperjuangan Islam. InsyaAllah, kita semua akan berjumpa nanti.." Nabi s.a.w. kemudian melafazkan; "Ummati.. ummati..ummati..." dan beliau nampak jelas Nabi menangis saat itu. Beberapa titisan airmata Baginda yg suci mengalir utk ummat Baginda! Kemudian Baginda Nabi melangkah pergi. Beliau merintih, "Jangan pergi Ya Rasulullah.." tetapi Baginda tetap pergi. Subhanallah, walaupun kita tak pernah bersua dgn Nabi yg mulia, Baginda kenal dan sentiasa ingat akan ummatnya. Beliau sendiri tidak pasti, apakah Baginda menangis kerana rindu kepada ummatnya, atau mungkin saja baginda sedih dgn ummat akhir zaman ini? wallahua'lam... Sedar daripada tidur yg amat indah pengisiannya itu, beliau masih dikelilingi oleh rakan2 yg turut terdengar rintihan beliau dalam tidurnya "Jangan pergi Ya Rasululah..." Beliau kemudian menceritakan kpd para sahabat tentang mimpinya sekaligus menyampaikan salam Rasulullah buat ummat Baginda. Semua yg mendengar menangis lantaran rindu pada Nabi. Rasa malu pada Nabi krn kita jarang2 ingat pada Baginda sedangkan kita amat terhutang budi padanya. Lebih2 lagi kita sedar bahawa hanya syafaat Bagindalah yg dikejar di akhirat kelak. Ya Allah..ketika itu, tiada kata yg lebih tinggi drpd kalimah Alhamdulillah utk di rafa'kan pada Allah atas ni'mat yg begitu besar yg Allah berikan pada dirinya. Rasa tak layak dirinya menerima anugerah dgn ujian yg hanya sedikit berbanding insan2 yg lebih berat diuji oleh Allah. Kiranya ada kalimah pujian yg lebih tinggi dr Hamdalah, pasti akan beliau sebutkan buat Allah Yang Maha Kaya. Semuanya terangkum dalam Rahmat-Nya yg melimpah ruah. Rasa sakit masih menular di tubuhnya. Cuma kali ini dia bertekad tidak akan menangis lagi utk kesakitan ini. Usai solat Zuhur, rasa sakit yg ditanggung makin hebat. Tak pernah beliau merasakan sakit yg sebegitu rupa. Terasa panas seluruh badan dan seluruh tubuhnya rasa ditikam pada setiap penjuru. Kalau dulu, beliau akan menangis dalam menghadapi kesakitan, namun pada waktu itu beliau pujuk diri utk tidak menangis. "Apa sangatlah sakit yg aku tanggung ini berbanding nikmat yg Allah telah bagi utk melihat Baginda Nabi s.a.w.." Kemudian beliau tidur. Beliau terus rasakan berada di tempat tinggi, tempat yg biasa hadir sepanjang beliau menerima gangguan. Beliau katakan "Ya Allah, apa lagi yg hendak Engkau berikan buat hambamu yg hina ni, rasa malu sangat dengan-Mu Ya Allah..." Kemudian dgn izin Allah, datang empat orang yg berpakaian serba hijau. Salah seorang daripadanya mengatakan; "Assalamu'alaikum Ya Syamimi..Rasulullah s.a.w. sampaikan salam buatmu. Kami utusan Rasululah..Nahnu khulafa' ar-rasyidin. Ana Abu Bakr, ini Ummar Al-Khattab, Uthman bin 'affan dan Ali.." Subhanallah..Saidina Abu Bakr memperkenal dirinya dan ketiga2 sahabat yg mulia. Beliau nampak sendiri, Saidina Abu Bakr yg amat lembut perwatakannya, Saidina Ummar dgn wajah tegasnya, Saidina Uthman yg cantik sekali dan Saidina 'Ali yg agak kecil orangnya. Para Sahabat mengatakan; "Kami diutuskan oleh baginda Nabi utk membantu enti.." Kemudian keempat2 mereka membacakan ayat 102 surah Al-Baqarah yg bermaksud: "Dan mereka mengikuti apa yg dibaca oleh syaitan-syaitan pada masa kerajaan Sulaiman. Sulaiman itu tidak kafir tetapi syaitan-syaitan itulah yg kafir, mereka mengajarkan sihir pada manusia dan apa yg diturunkan pada 2 malaikat di negeri Babylon iaitu Harut dan Marut. Padahal keduanya tidak mengajarkan sesuatu kepada seseorang sebelum mengatakan 'sesungguhnya kami hanyalah cubaan (bagimu) sebab itu janganlah kafir.' Maka mereka mempelajari dari keduanya (malaikat itu) apa yang (dapat) memisahkan antara seorang (suami) denagn isterinya. Mereka tidak akan dapat mencelakakan seseorang dgn sihirnya kecuali dengan izin Allah. Mereka mempelajari sesuatu yang mencelakakan, dan tidak memberi manfaat kepada mereka. Dan sungguh, mereka sudah tahu, barang siapa membeli (menggunakan sihir) itu, nescaya tidak akan mendapat keuntungan di akhirat. Dan sungguh, sangatlah buruk perbuatan mereka yang menjual dirinya dgn sihir, sekiranya mereka tahu.." Selesai membaca ayat itu, para sahabat Nabi menghembus pada makhluk2 yang sedang mengganggu beliau dan mereka semua hancur terbakar. Subhanallah..waktu itu terus terasa seolah2 tubuhnya yg sakit dahulu ditukarkan Allah s.w.t. dgn tubuh yg baru. Hilang segala kesakitan yg setahun lebih ditanggung beliau dgn sabar. Saidina Abu Bakr mengatakan; "Inilah ganjaran besar dari Allah buat orang-orang yang sabar.." Kemudian, para sahabat Nabi yg mulia pun pergi meninggalkannya. Selesai mimpi indah yg kedua ini, beliau bangun dr tidur dan terus duduk. Rakan2 sebilik pelik, kenapa beliau dapat bangun dan duduk dgn mudah . Kemudian sahabat2nya itu menyuruh beliau bangun berdiri dan alhamduliLlah..dgn mudah beliau bangun berdiri dan berjalan d sekitar bilik. "Ya Allah, penyakit ana dah sembuh.." Semua sahabat yang ada di situ bergembira dan menangis. Kemudian beliau segera ke bilik air untuk berwudhu'. Dengan tubuh yang 'baru', beliau sujud syukur pada Allah s.w.t. "Ya Allah, kiranya di beri tempoh sujud 100 tahun pun belum dapat diriku menjadi hamba-Mu yg bersyukur atas nikmat yg telah Engkau berikan.." Beliau berpesan pada kami; "Adik-adik, wajarlah para sahabat Nabi yang mulia sanggup mati demi mempertahankan Baginda. Akak yang diberi rezeki melihat Nabi tak sampai pun 5 minit dah rasa tak sanggup berpisah dengannya. Kalau boleh, nak duduk je di bilik untuk beribadah pada Allah dan mengenang wajah Nabi yg mulia. Tapi menyedari banyak lagi taklifan dan tanggungjawab kita atas muka bumi Allah ini, maka hidup mesti diteruskan. Sekarang ini hati akak tenang sangat..kalau boleh, nak je akak pinjamkan hati ni walau hanya sesaat agar adik2 dapat merasakan betapa beningnya hati ini. Tapi itu tak mungkin kan , mungkin ini bahagian akak, bahagian kalian? Hanya Pemiliknya Yang Maha Tahu. Akhir sekali akak ingin katakan, tak rugi kita bersabar..." kredit to juita77 (forum cari....sesuatu yang menarik untuk dikongsi bersama... )
Kisah Rasulullah Dengan Limau
Suatu Hari Rasulullah SAW didatangi oleh seorang wanita kafir. Ketika itu baginda bersama beberapa orang sahabat. Wanita itu membawa beberapa biji buah limau sebagai hadiah untuk Baginda. Cantik sungguh buahnya. Siapa terlihat pasti terliur. Baginda menerimanya dengan senyuman gembira. Hadiah itu dimakan oleh Baginda Rasulullah SAW seulas demi seulas dengan senyuman. Biasanya Rasulullah SAW akan makan bersama para sahabat, namun kali ini tidak. Tidak seulas pun limau itu diberikan kepada mereka. Rasulullah SAW terus makan. Setiap kali dengan senyuman, hinggalah habis semua limau itu. Kemudian wanita itu meminta diri untuk pulang, diiringi ucapan terima kasih dari baginda. Sahabat-sahabat agak hairan dengan sikap Rasulullah SAW itu. Lalu mereka bertanya. Dengan senyuman Rasulullah menjelaskan 'Tahukah kamu, sebenarnya buah limau itu terlalu masam semasa saya merasainya kali pertama. Kiranya kalian turut makan bersama, saya bimbang, ada di antara kalian akan mengenyitkan mata atau memarahi wanita tersebut. Saya bimbang hatinya akan tersinggung. Sebab itu saya habiskan semuanya'. Begitulah akhlak Rasullullah SAW. Baginda tidak akan memperkecil-kecilkan pemberian seseorang biarpun benda yang tidak baik, Dan dari orang yang bukan Islam pula. "selemah- lemah manusia ialah org yg tidak boleh mencari sahabat Dan orang yg lebih lemah dari itu ialah orang yg mensia-siakan sahabat yang telah dicari dan berburuk sangka pula kepadanya"-Saidina Ali Kisah dari blog mariana aka pearlswetts & juita77
Thursday, March 24, 2011
It's resignation season in my company I'm working right now. Like one after another people quit for a better offer I guess. Most of them people who worked more than 7 years. I heard that it's good to jump to another job i.e. other company after 5 years for career development. If you have been offer better salaryand benefit, it's a favour to you to accept rather than decline, isn't it?
For me, I have my own dream of my career path. I longed to do something that I enjoy and treasure and get paid for it. I guess, that's just everybody's dream, hasn't it? As for now, since I have a lots going on in my life, I have to say, I would stay put on what I'm doing right now. Maybe later, I would think and act how to fulfill my dream....
I wish to teach, I wish to baked and sell my bakings, I wish to lend my books, I wish to open a nursery....
InsyaAllah, deep inside my heart, I feel that at least, one of my wishes will come true...InsyaAllah..Ameen...
In the meantime, focus on the BIG adventure of my life. Countdown: Two Months ++...
For me, I have my own dream of my career path. I longed to do something that I enjoy and treasure and get paid for it. I guess, that's just everybody's dream, hasn't it? As for now, since I have a lots going on in my life, I have to say, I would stay put on what I'm doing right now. Maybe later, I would think and act how to fulfill my dream....
I wish to teach, I wish to baked and sell my bakings, I wish to lend my books, I wish to open a nursery....
InsyaAllah, deep inside my heart, I feel that at least, one of my wishes will come true...InsyaAllah..Ameen...
In the meantime, focus on the BIG adventure of my life. Countdown: Two Months ++...
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
February 11 - Towing & Fainting
Hectic month I would say, February 11. I have experienced two incidents, one - first time in my life, two - 4th time.
23 Feb 2011:
The first one, my car broke down right before entering Kesas highway (near Suria Kinrara). He's driving and suddenly the clutch didn't work. Luckily he managed to park the car on the left side of the road. But it's still dangerous as the highway was like 500m away. Thus, all the cars moved rather fast even on the slow lane. Since the situation happened during Maghrib time, the dark kinda make things worst. Few times bikes and cars nearly hit my Kelisa or other car on the right side as they moved so fast. About 10 mins later, a parol came and asked what happened. Fortunately he have a towing company phone no. About half and hour later (the towing truck kinda lost to find his way to us), me and him, for the first time in our live, hopped on same the truck my Kelisa been towing towards the nearest workshop from his house. As the workshop was closed, we parked the car in front of the shop. I drove his car for a week before I could drive my Kelisa back. Oh ya, by the way, the very next day, when he checked the car at the workshop, the car was suddenly okay. Only need to tighten up the clucth and it's as good as new. But for checking purposes, he asked me to drive his car first while his driving the Kelisa to work to test. When he felt that everything's fine with the Kelisa, after a week i.e. on 3rd March 2011, we swapped the our cars back. Fuh, what an experience after five months involved with an accident with the Kelisa. But luckily this time, I'm not alone when the car broke down. Alhamdulillah, everything's work out fine :) And I pray hard that it would be my last experience on road incident especially when I drive alone... Ameen.
26 Feb 2011:
After 7 years of my last fainting episodes, I did it again on Saturday at Mines. After a sauna session, I felt dizzy but I made a big mistake by rushing when I stand up to be sitted near the shower room. Once I got sitted and sat, I felt very dizzy. The next thing I know, I heard a lot of noise and felt a steel being inserted in my mouth. When I managed to open my eyes, the first thing that came up in my mind was "Oppss, I did it again. Fainting after 7 years of no-fainting period". There're quite no of people tried to make me feel better. One put a spoon in my mouth (hence the steel) to avoid me from biting my tongue, one put a cold towel on top of my head, one made a gentle massage while others prepare me a plain water with straw and some sugar and mentos. Thanks for all your kind assistance, guys :). I took about one hour to recover my dizziness and another hour to manage to sit down and try to stand up. The dizziness was gone, but after two hours I still feel bloated. And suddenly "uwekkk", and I felt much better after that and ready to drive back home alone. I thought I forgot how to throw up since I haven't vomit once after ten years and completely have no idea to do it. Haha. But Alhamdulillah, after I went to a clinic, the doctor said my blood was normal and I need to drink plenty of plain water and he supplied me with multivitamin to stimulate my nerve system. InsyaAllah my health would be much better from now on :)
That't my interesting yet scaring moments happened in Feb 2011. I wonder what kind of first time experience I will counter before the end of this year. But I hope all the new experience that I will face soon will be exciting, pleasant, happy and great. InsyaAllah..Ameen :)
23 Feb 2011:
The first one, my car broke down right before entering Kesas highway (near Suria Kinrara). He's driving and suddenly the clutch didn't work. Luckily he managed to park the car on the left side of the road. But it's still dangerous as the highway was like 500m away. Thus, all the cars moved rather fast even on the slow lane. Since the situation happened during Maghrib time, the dark kinda make things worst. Few times bikes and cars nearly hit my Kelisa or other car on the right side as they moved so fast. About 10 mins later, a parol came and asked what happened. Fortunately he have a towing company phone no. About half and hour later (the towing truck kinda lost to find his way to us), me and him, for the first time in our live, hopped on same the truck my Kelisa been towing towards the nearest workshop from his house. As the workshop was closed, we parked the car in front of the shop. I drove his car for a week before I could drive my Kelisa back. Oh ya, by the way, the very next day, when he checked the car at the workshop, the car was suddenly okay. Only need to tighten up the clucth and it's as good as new. But for checking purposes, he asked me to drive his car first while his driving the Kelisa to work to test. When he felt that everything's fine with the Kelisa, after a week i.e. on 3rd March 2011, we swapped the our cars back. Fuh, what an experience after five months involved with an accident with the Kelisa. But luckily this time, I'm not alone when the car broke down. Alhamdulillah, everything's work out fine :) And I pray hard that it would be my last experience on road incident especially when I drive alone... Ameen.
26 Feb 2011:
After 7 years of my last fainting episodes, I did it again on Saturday at Mines. After a sauna session, I felt dizzy but I made a big mistake by rushing when I stand up to be sitted near the shower room. Once I got sitted and sat, I felt very dizzy. The next thing I know, I heard a lot of noise and felt a steel being inserted in my mouth. When I managed to open my eyes, the first thing that came up in my mind was "Oppss, I did it again. Fainting after 7 years of no-fainting period". There're quite no of people tried to make me feel better. One put a spoon in my mouth (hence the steel) to avoid me from biting my tongue, one put a cold towel on top of my head, one made a gentle massage while others prepare me a plain water with straw and some sugar and mentos. Thanks for all your kind assistance, guys :). I took about one hour to recover my dizziness and another hour to manage to sit down and try to stand up. The dizziness was gone, but after two hours I still feel bloated. And suddenly "uwekkk", and I felt much better after that and ready to drive back home alone. I thought I forgot how to throw up since I haven't vomit once after ten years and completely have no idea to do it. Haha. But Alhamdulillah, after I went to a clinic, the doctor said my blood was normal and I need to drink plenty of plain water and he supplied me with multivitamin to stimulate my nerve system. InsyaAllah my health would be much better from now on :)
That't my interesting yet scaring moments happened in Feb 2011. I wonder what kind of first time experience I will counter before the end of this year. But I hope all the new experience that I will face soon will be exciting, pleasant, happy and great. InsyaAllah..Ameen :)
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Busy Busy Busy
We're in the middle of our AMP for the next FY. So, I've been busy these couple of weeks and would be super busy in the next two months. So, maybe there'll be few lines entry or none at all..Hehe..Also, I'm working on another blog now...
As for yesterday, I'm getting to know about Klang & Shah Alam (particularly near my work place) and Bandar Saujana Putra. What I can conclude is it's sooo hot in Bandar Saujana Putra.
Okies, gtg...Got backache already for staring at the notebook intensely from morning till now...Huhu..
As for yesterday, I'm getting to know about Klang & Shah Alam (particularly near my work place) and Bandar Saujana Putra. What I can conclude is it's sooo hot in Bandar Saujana Putra.
Okies, gtg...Got backache already for staring at the notebook intensely from morning till now...Huhu..
Friday, January 28, 2011
Yusram & KPJ
Just got back from Yusram and KPJ and update the previous entry.
Me and Mid went to Section 20 to visit our officemate in KPJ. She has been diagnosed with maybe-cancer. She has to go through straight 9-hours operation at 3 different parts of her body. Right side to be particular. Right wrist to cut out all the infected bones and nerves, right calf to replace the right wrist bones and nerves, and right thigh to cut small part of the skin to cover the wrist and calf. On top of that, since it quite difficult to put the drip on her other wrist, the drip has to go through her right neck. But as we went just now, she no longer needed of the drip since she could now eat on her own. Alhamdulillah. I pray for her to get well soon and join us back in the company. Ameen.
Somehow remember mama with her some parts of both thighs been cut to cover her other part of body. Remember the dressing part when I have to shower her thighs to clean up the wound. Al-Fatihah....
Later, me and Mid had our lunch at Yusram. Royal fish and tom yam and kailan.. Alhamdulillah ....
Me and Mid went to Section 20 to visit our officemate in KPJ. She has been diagnosed with maybe-cancer. She has to go through straight 9-hours operation at 3 different parts of her body. Right side to be particular. Right wrist to cut out all the infected bones and nerves, right calf to replace the right wrist bones and nerves, and right thigh to cut small part of the skin to cover the wrist and calf. On top of that, since it quite difficult to put the drip on her other wrist, the drip has to go through her right neck. But as we went just now, she no longer needed of the drip since she could now eat on her own. Alhamdulillah. I pray for her to get well soon and join us back in the company. Ameen.
Somehow remember mama with her some parts of both thighs been cut to cover her other part of body. Remember the dressing part when I have to shower her thighs to clean up the wound. Al-Fatihah....
Later, me and Mid had our lunch at Yusram. Royal fish and tom yam and kailan.. Alhamdulillah ....
Thursday, January 27, 2011
One Month Entry
Looking at the title some it all.. Hehe.. Nearly a month blog ni menyepi. So caught up with work and all. Chewah, alasan best tu.
Well, this one month I think I've been to lot of places that I never visited before or rarely go. For instance Semua House. Never been there but this beginning of the year, been there twice. Other examples: DEMC, KK section 7, TTDI jogging/walking area. I also attended two different trainings. One for Excel (reporting) which I found it very useful and amazing of what the simple Excel can do and come out with marvellous presentation (kalah powerpoint ok..hehe) and another one FRS course ( So, overall, weekend or weekdays, memanglah teramat busynya..Tu tak termasuk sesi Ugly Betty plus Korean Drama, sesi buat Tiramisu and Carrot Cake (sangat best! credit goes to Sem, Fatin & the tuan rumah, Feens :) ).
Tomorrow, bowling time. Company nya event. Women only. To those yg rasa nak pegang banner plus cheerleeding kitorg, jom lah ke Summit esok around 10am. Hehe. Next week lak, InsyaAllah balik Kedah. This time, InsyaAllah naik kereta. No more flight. Hmmm, ye ke? Maybe one more kot in couple months time....
Okies, see ya next time. Eh lupa lak. For the thing: want vs need i.e. hp, I think I made up my mind to stay with my existing phone (repair2). Kalau ada rezeki, maybe I can entertain my want next time :)...
Well, this one month I think I've been to lot of places that I never visited before or rarely go. For instance Semua House. Never been there but this beginning of the year, been there twice. Other examples: DEMC, KK section 7, TTDI jogging/walking area. I also attended two different trainings. One for Excel (reporting) which I found it very useful and amazing of what the simple Excel can do and come out with marvellous presentation (kalah powerpoint ok..hehe) and another one FRS course ( So, overall, weekend or weekdays, memanglah teramat busynya..Tu tak termasuk sesi Ugly Betty plus Korean Drama, sesi buat Tiramisu and Carrot Cake (sangat best! credit goes to Sem, Fatin & the tuan rumah, Feens :) ).
Tomorrow, bowling time. Company nya event. Women only. To those yg rasa nak pegang banner plus cheerleeding kitorg, jom lah ke Summit esok around 10am. Hehe. Next week lak, InsyaAllah balik Kedah. This time, InsyaAllah naik kereta. No more flight. Hmmm, ye ke? Maybe one more kot in couple months time....
Okies, see ya next time. Eh lupa lak. For the thing: want vs need i.e. hp, I think I made up my mind to stay with my existing phone (repair2). Kalau ada rezeki, maybe I can entertain my want next time :)...
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